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Selectmen's Minutes - November 15, 1994
             Selectmen's Meeting - November 15, 1994

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Charles Flynn, Joseph
Frisoli, Chair; and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.  Also attending:
Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board of Selectmen.

I. Opening: Chair Frisoli called meeting to order at 7:00pm
requesting the warrant and bills be signed.  Town Clerk
certification not available therefore, item tabled.

II. District Attorney's Letter re: August 2nd Executive Session:
Chair Frisoli read Assistant District Attorney Thompson's letter
dated November 8, 1994 in full. DA investigated potential
violation for going into executive session to discuss an issue
related to funding for the contract with the Highway Union.  DA
found that since Highway representative stated grievance
contemplated and that they had contacted a lawyer, and executive
session could be held; however the DA issued cautionary remarks
upon his review of the facts as outlined in his letter.

III. Call for Special Town Meeting: Nugent notified the Board
that he, Town Moderator, W-H Superintendent would be meeting on
November 18th with Town and Bond counsels to discuss the
particulars of Town Meeting processes including discussion on the
ratio of the vote for passage of the articles (majority or 2/3).
Chair Frisoli read the warrant in full calling for a Special Town
Meeting On December 7, 1994 at 7:30pm at the W-H High School
Auditorium.  Meeting called for two articles: FIRST: to vote to
approve the amendment establishing the District voted by the W-H
Regional School Committee on November 9, 1994 to construct or
otherwise provide a regional middle school and to approve the
amount of $29,898,000 debt authorized by vote of the School
Committee on November 9, 1994 for constructing and equipping a
new regional high school calling for incurring an immediate debt
of no more than 1.9 million for architectural plans; SECOND: to
see if the Town will approve $2,235,800 debt authorized by the
November 9, 1994 vote of the School Committee for refurbishing
the present high school for conversion to a middle school. Raised
questions about pass/fail of first article as related to second
article. Motion 11/15/94.1: (at 7:24pm) move to close the warrant
for the December 7, 1994 Special Town Meeting at W-H High School
called for 7:30pm. Motion made by Murdoch, second by Kuchinski.
Motion carried 4-0.

IV. Acceptance of Minutes: Minutes of November 8 held for
additional information to two sections.

V. Announcements: (1) Kiwanis - Christmas House Tour: Bruce Young
requested the notice giving particulars be read that the Sunday,
December 11th House Tour would be from 1-5pm and at a cost of $10
now and $12 that day. (2) Rotary's Pancake Breakfast for the
175th Anniversary: Kuchinski noted the particulars for this event
for Sunday, November 20th with proceeds to benefit the upcoming
anniversary celebrations. (3) Selectmen citation to W-H Panthers:
Board signed citation noting their achievement as Atlantic League
Champs and their upcoming Superbowl on December 3, 1994.

VI. Meeting with George Crombie regarding Rockland Landfill:
attending with Mr. Crombie was Brian Donahue, also of DEP.  Paul
Mooney of Rockland's Board of Health joined the meeting in
progress stating he had not been notified of this meeting, had to
canceled another meeting to attend.  Chair Frisoli apologized for
Town's oversight, unaware of the large attendance.  Many (40)
residents of Hanson and Hanover present for the entire meeting.
Kuchinski noted board's appreciation that DEP official willing to
come to the local level.  Mr. Crombie invited to update the Board
on the status of the Landfill.  Rockland signed a DEP Consent
Order in September which requires compliance in the following
areas: wetlands - filling removed, corrections in slope and
vegetation cover.  Height requirement must meet 1994 standards;
if not met then closure will be required. There is constant
monitoring by DEP landfill and wetlands departments with certain
dates for compliance to be met on certain issues.  the majority
of the corrective issues have a one year time frame. Flynn
questioned future monitoring for height level. Crombie noted site
visit reports.  He noted that working with municipalities is a
tough one from a monetary stand point.  Al Cavanaugh (Hanover
Selectman) wants 90 day period kept tight (yet considerate) on
enforcement with penalties.  Hanover will consider filing
injunctive relief if deadlines missed.  Tom Jordan (Hanover):
noted fine job to get Consent Order signed; notes that Rockland
has already exceeded the capacity of designed landfill.  CROMBIE:
DEP has asked for Mass. Balance profile from Rockland as well as
an alternative plan if no capacity left.  He believes Rockland's
answer including alternative plan is due about 26Dec94.  He
recognizes Rockland's progress including hiring a professional
landfill supervisor.  Dan Pallotta (Hanover-Hanson line): accepts
progress being made on slope and siltation measures - BUT nothing
being done on the height to knock it down to the approved height
for the 1974 Plan. CROMBIE: during the 90 day period trash may
still be accepted because information is still being gathered to
see if compliance can be met.  Pallotta: Draft Expansion permit
status?  C: Rockland has agreed that an ENF must be filed for the
MEPA process for project to go any further.  JANET & TOM PERKINS
(Glenwood Place, Hanson): want Hanson Selectmen to take strong
stand with Hanover, noted cancer victims in the area, noted odor
remains strong and questioned status of unlined landfills with
state?  C: DEP is committed to closing unlined landfills.
Currently working on 12 significant status places and next 15 as
potential problems.  TIM QUALTERS (Hanson): questions steps for
interim capping towards permanent cap including process for
verification of proper capping (sections A1 and A2) and what is
status for a site assessment for groundwater monitoring. PAUL
MOONEY (ROCKLAND BD OF HEALTH):  Rockland has taken $2.6 million
bond for closing including steps such as clay being purchased and
stored on site. Mooney's number: 871-1234.  RICHARD MORRILL
(Hanson): wants to know what steps will be taken to further
reduce noise, dust and registered displeasure at being closed out
or not recognized at Rockland Board of Health public meetings.
Richard Lynch (Hanover): ACO key dates have passed - status?
CROMBIE: haybales, grading in place; restorative plans have come
in for review.  Height is focus over next few weeks.  Maintenance
is required for all siltation devices over winter months. A1
section capping will be verified. MOONEY: after storm four weeks
ago he took pictures on site including area "borrow pit" or back
pit.  He noted that one abutter has a well very close and was
probably supplying water to his pool - can't be too unhealthy to
do so. (Claim was later refuted by Tony Sheppas (Hanover) who
noted his well was for lawn irrigation only.)  Mooney noted that
besides the previous 7 monitoring wells there are 11 additional
wells placed at different depths.  Mooney noted excavation
scheduled for a few more weeks in the back pit area. Pallotta
noted if any Notice of Intent is filed by Rockland he wants to be
notified since he was not notified in 1993. Bob Kane (Hanover):
wanted to know security measures because of dirt bikers. Fencing
not yet done and must be addressed. Discussion of Hanover Police
shooting in the area, issues of lead tabled; MURDOCH: requests
that DEP be invited to a meeting co-hosted by Hanson and Hanover
take place in January, 1995 in a larger meeting room. DEP will
check on wells installed on the North and West sides.  KATHY
O'BRIEN HANSON HEALTH AGENT: requested test results from all
wells which should be available by end of December be forwarded
to her Board.  Residents asked about burning at the dump because
they are noticing a "metallic smell".  Mooney stated there is no
burning.  Nugent noted methane gas release and was asked by
Kuchinski to follow up on this issue for these residents.  Nugent
said he would send a letter on the issue.

VII. Executive Secretary Report: (1) 61A Waiver - Parcel F - UCCC
Hawkes Ave property: document was prepared early and was signed.
(2) School Committee - FinCom: Nugent setting up an informational
meeting for next year's budget;  (3) Meeting space requirements:
memo send to all boards noting ConCom requesting Wedn. evenings,
Nugent to solidify schedule by November 29th hoping to set aside
specific day for other committees..  He and Bob Sutter looking at
space utilization of Town Hall - feasibility report should be
available next month. Bruce Young registered strong disapproval
of ADA requiring high expenditures to comply. He wanted a
definition of reasonable accommodation. He was referred to ADA
members for further information. (4) Requests Executive Session
under #6: A company looking for sites for vehicle inspection
looking at two lots in the Industrial Park.

VIII. Chief Berry / Police Grant: he reported his meeting with
Bob Sutter.  the $15,000 deficit ($5,000 salary, 10,000 benefits)
will not be totally covered; Sutter does not recommend.  Flynn
asked if we apply could grant not be accepted?  Berry said yes
also that we might receive it if he does apply. Berry noted he
could time the hiring (police academy attendance) to be most
effective if grant were received.  Motion 11/15/94.2: move to
recommend police chief proceed with grant application process.
Motion made by Flynn with second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0.
Part-time police officers: requests action on the list he
forwarded to the Board a few months ago. Selectmen want to see on
December 6th a draft of Chief's written policy/philosophy
regarding relatives serving on the same force. Crime Prevention:
Kuchinski noted neighborhood watch program in Pine Grove Colony
on Halloween.  Berry had received same note from James Locke and
further stated that Officer Larkin will be assisting the
community in like programs.  Teddy Bear Program: Kuchinski asked
Chief for update.  Berry enthusiastic in response that program is
doing well. Children respond well.  Program generates good will.

IX. Recycling Program: Kuchinski requested Board sign the Board
of Health's application for DARP FY95-97 funding from DEP.

X. Action Requests: (1) Flynn requested Board sign a citation of
service for retiring Maquan School principal Richard Skinner.
Motion 11/15/94.3:  move to issue citation honoring Mr. Skinner.
Motion made by Flynn with second by Kuchinski.   (2) Flynn
reported that he and Murdoch attended Water Commission meeting
with Carole McCormack regarding clerical staffing issues.  He
reported issue resolved.  Suggestion made that Board of Selectmen
and Water Commissioners hold maybe 5 or 6 monthly meetings to
iron out any concerns.  Suggestion agreeable with others - first
meeting to be either November 30 or 28 (7PM) depending on the
Water Commission schedule.  (3) Murdoch reported on meeting she,
Kuchinski and Nugent attended earlier today at DEP regarding
water exploration issues and status of water emergency in town.
Murdoch assured DEP that dialogue will be started shortly with
emphasis on public education.  (4) Frisoli requested the Vehicle
Use policy from the Assessors regarding the white car presently
being used by the assistant-assessor.  Car is being taken home
nights and weekends; curious about IRS and insurance garaging out
of town implications noting a car is a taxable fringe benefit.
Kuchinski asked for status on the Small Vehicle Plan.  Nugent
noted Bob Sutter is chair of that committee; that Town Mechanic
is going over all vehicles to give recommendation status; Flynn
noted CIC maintenance log implementation.  (5) Frisoli asked
Nugent to check on availability for funding now to recoup some
monies spent on the library senior center.  (6) Kuchinski
requested letters be sent to the winners of the local
representative and senatorial races requesting their visits to
the Board in January to discuss issues of importance to the Town.
(7) Kuchinski noted next meeting of the 175th Committee as
November 16th at 7:30pm.  

XI. Executive Session requested: Motion 11/15/94.4: move to enter
into Executive Session under number 6 for land negotiations.
Motion by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski. ROLL CALL VOTE:
Murdoch: Aye; Flynn: Aye; Frisoli: Aye; Kuchinski: Aye. Motion
carried 4-0.  at 9:45pm Board left open session with possibility
existing that a vote might be taken.  

XII. Return to Open Session. Members returned to Open Session at
10:10pm for the purpose of taking vote in public session on issue
discussed in executive session.  Motion 11/15/94.5: move to
accept Marta Technologies' option to purchase 2 lots (#11 and 14)
in the Industrial Park for $185,000 only after review of
paperwork by Town Counsel.  Motion by Flynn, second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0.

XIII. Adjournment: Motion 11/15/94.6: move to adjourn.  Motion by
Flynn, second by Murdoch. Motion carried 4-0. Adjourned at